Blog: pet health


Tips for Keeping Your Pets Safe for New Years

The owners of pets with noise phobia or other forms of anxiety are already stressing about ringing in the New Year. The fear of the dog escaping from the house or yard, or causing destruction to the home, or even pacing and vocalizing for hours is already creeping in.


Rats in Moncton’s North End!

 It was recently reported in the local news that the mild weather we’ve been having has led to a rise in the rat population in the city and its residential areas.   This immediately made me think,  “Are my ‘city dogs’ at as great a risk of catching Leptospirosis as my…


Safety Tips for Your Pet During the Holiday’s

Food Part of the Holiday season is the food.  While there are lots of treats your pet can have, here are some of the most common ones that are toxic or dangerous for them.


Is Your Dog Coughing More Than Usual?

Has your dog been to a daycare, dog park, pet store or grooming salon in the last 14 days?