Blog: In the Community

Cat in the vet

Getting your Cat to the Vet – Survival 101

Does getting your cat to the vet conjure up images of a terrifying horror movie?! The fur is flying, blood-curdling screams send chills down your spine, and your arms are shredded from those dagger-like claws! Veterinary visits can be terrifying for you, your cat and the veterinary team.

Pros & Cons of dog parks.

Dog Parks in Our Community

Where? There are 2 primary dog parks in our local area. They are open 24 hours daily, however, they are not well lit in the evenings so most people tend to go during the daytime.

Pet care during Halloween

Halloween Safety Tips for Pets

Heyyyyy to all the little ghouls and goblins out there. Halloween is just a few short weeks away. This holiday is such a fun time for children and adults alike, however, it can often be a tragic one for our furry family members.


Tips for Keeping Your Pets Safe for New Years

The owners of pets with noise phobia or other forms of anxiety are already stressing about ringing in the New Year. The fear of the dog escaping from the house or yard, or causing destruction to the home, or even pacing and vocalizing for hours is already creeping in.