
Heartworm in Atlantic Canada: What you need to know

What Causes Heartworm Disease? Heartworm disease is caused by a blood borne parasite, dirofilaria immitis, which is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. A mosquito first feeds on the blood of an infected cat or dog and can then pass on ‘baby’ heartworms into the blood of their…

Leptospirosis, aka. “Lepto” What Is It and What Do I Need To Know?

What is Lepto? Though still not as popular in the news as Lyme disease is these days, Leptospirosis is gaining recognition as an immerging disease due to travel and climate change. You may have heard of this disease in the news or from a friend, or you may even be…

Dogs In Hot Cars

It is beyond sad that this needs to be said, but every year many pets suffer this EASILY PREVENTABLE yet horrific demise. People still FAIL to realize the tragic results of leaving their dogs in a hot car. There is a lot of awareness about this, to the point that…

Frozen Dog Treats

Summer is here and along with it comes the warm/hot weather. Here are some fun and easy ways to keep your dog cool AND entertained! What Can You Freeze for Your Dog? Vegetables & Fruit – Plain veggies like green beans, squash and sweet potatoes are fun to freeze and give…