Frozen Dog Treats

Summer is here and along with it comes the warm/hot weather. Here are some fun and easy ways to keep your dog cool AND entertained!

What Can You Freeze for Your Dog?

  • Vegetables & Fruit  Plain veggies like green beans, squash and sweet potatoes are fun to freeze and give as a cold treat. Just as fun are icy cool bananas, strawberries and apples (be cautious – possible choking hazard – supervised only).
  • Chicken & Beef Broth (low sodium)  This should be a staple in your doggie pantry. It makes for great homemade dog treats. Simply frozen by itself or added to a bit of water in ice cube trays.
  • Fruit Juices  You can use fruit juices for cold treats on a hot day. It’s best to use juices that are lower in sugar. For example, look for juices that list “no added sugar.”
  • Yogurts Another base ingredient, is low-fat yogurt. Either frozen alone in ice cube trays or added to other foods.
  • Baby Foods  These make a nice addition to a cool snack. Use organic fruit or vegetable blends for added flavor.


You can use either ice cube trays or muffin liners (be sure to peel the liner away before serving). Another great idea is filling your dog’s Kong with any of the above and tossing it in the freezer. Simply plug the little top hole with a smudge of peanut butter and toss the frozen Kong to your pooch as you leave the house.

Have a safe, fun-filled and great summer!