Blog: Felines


Vet Clinics and Cat Visits

It’s that time of year, where the focus at the Mountain Road Animal Hospital is on cats. For the next couple of months, we will be hopefully knee-deep in kitties!

Signs That Your Cat May Be Hiding Illness by Dr. Chantal Rittwage

When we think of cats in the wild, we think of them as predators and tend to forget that our domestic cats were also pretty tasty prey, once upon a time.  Because “only the strong survive”, cats have been genetically programmed to hide signs of illness for as long as…

Helping Your Cat Adjust to New Surroundings by Lisa Michalik

Cats are beautiful creatures! Smart, entertaining, even majestic. Cats are also creatures of habit who DIS-like change. Cats are notorious for being stoic; putting on a brave front but in reality may not be coping so well. Some cats never appear to be affected by change and seem to have…