Blog: Pet Nutrition & Wellness

5 Reasons Why Your Vet is Telling You Your Pet NEEDS to Lose Weight

Written by Dr. Rittwage . . . . We’re not just trying to be mean. . . Pets are considered “over-weight” when they weight 10-20% more than their ideal body weight.  They considered “obese” when they are 20% or more above their ideal body weight.  This means that as an…

Demystifying “Hot Spots”

A “Hot Spot” is a medical condition known as acute moist dermatitis; meaning it is a skin infection that comes on suddenly.  The following information will explain why they occur, how to recognize them, and how to treat.

Separation Anxiety: What, Why, and What To Do

What is Separation Anxiety? In human terms, anxiety is defined as an overall feeling of impending danger or threat.  For dogs with separation anxiety, this ‘threat’ is being away from their owner.  They tend to be overly attached to their family members and follow them from room to room; rarely…

Pet Allergies: Tips and Tricks to Dealing with Environmental Allergens

An allergy is an inflammatory response to an allergen.  These can be anything from food, natural and synthetic fibers, dander, weed, grass, or tree pollen, insects, mold spores; to the normal bacteria and yeast that live on your pets skin naturally.  Typically, it takes simultaneous exposures to multiple allergens to…