
How to Looks for Ticks by Lisa Michalik, Veterinary Technician

Ughhhh! It’s almost that time of year again. TICK SEASON! Ticks are most active during April-May and September-November. This does, however, vary according to weather conditions. Ticks can be found anywhere; most commonly in trees, bushes and grass. Different species of ticks populate different areas. For example, deer ticks (common carriers of Lyme disease) are found […]

I Found a Tick On My Dog! What Do I Do Now?! by Dr. Chantal Rittwage

Check for ticks, by to running your hands over the whole body, every time your pet comes back from an area you know is inhabited by ticks (ie: areas with tall grass and low lying shrubs).  Ticks attach most frequently around the pet’s head, ears, neck, and feet, but that doesn’t mean they can’t go […]

Halitosis (Doggy Breath): What it is and What it Could Mean for Your Pet

Halitosis (aka “Bad Breath”) is defined as an offensive odor emanating from the oral cavity. Common Causes: Bacteria in the mouth, forming plaque on teeth within hours of brushing; leading to . . . Tartar causing gingivitis, which leads to periodontitis (tooth support loss); leading to . . . Pockets become infected with “bad” bacteria, […]

Brushing Teeth: Tips and Tricks

Ideally, start when they’re young to make it easier for them to accept.  But this is still do-able in an older animal. Use only veterinary toothpastes and brushes as these are safe to ingest and extra soft on their gums. Brush daily to make it a part of your regular routine; twice weekly is acceptable […]