
Tips for First Time Kitten Owners Part 1

Written by Lisa Michalik Congratulations on your new furry addition! Deciding to add a kitten to your family should never be one taken lightly or done “on a whim”. Kittens are not born into this world with an innate knowledge of what is required of them to live in a…

My Dog Has Worms?!

Did your dog vomit worms?  Have some in the feces?  Found little ‘rice-like’ segments stuck to the fur around the bum/tail, inching around?  Or simply had diarrhea and was found on fecal exam? This can obviously be disconcerting, but is relatively easy to take care of. Roundworms, Hookworms, Whipworms, and…

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease Aka: FLUTD

FLUTD is a term that is used to describe a cluster or urination-related symptoms that cats often display when they are having bladder issues.  Symptoms: Straining to pee (often confused with constipation) Peeing small frequent amounts Bloody pee Peeing outside the litter box Painful urination (crying when peeing, licking vulva/prepuce)…

Ackkk! We have Fleas!

The best way to keep the fleas away is PREVENTION! Prevention is the absolute key when it comes to fleas. Do not think for one minute that Princess or Fido is immune to them. If you are not taking preventive measures there WILL come a time where your furry friend…