Blog: Dental Season

All You Need to Know About Dental

Open Wide, It’s Dental Time!

Dental focus is among us, and it’s that time of the year when it’s a good idea to take a look into your pets’ mouth to evaluate the entire oral cavity both for signs of illness and dental disease.

Pet Dental Health Awareness Months

Dental Health for Pets in Moncton February 1st- March 31st If I were to ask you: “Out of all the ‘family’ members in your household, who has the worst dental hygiene?” the chances are pretty good that you would point to the dog or cat (our lil’ fur babies!).  Even…

Halitosis (Doggy Breath): What it is and What it Could Mean for Your Pet

Halitosis (aka “Bad Breath”) is defined as an offensive odor emanating from the oral cavity. Common Causes: Bacteria in the mouth, forming plaque on teeth within hours of brushing; leading to . . . Tartar causing gingivitis, which leads to periodontitis (tooth support loss); leading to . . . Pockets…

Brushing Teeth: Tips and Tricks

Ideally, start when they’re young to make it easier for them to accept.  But this is still do-able in an older animal. Use only veterinary toothpastes and brushes as these are safe to ingest and extra soft on their gums. Brush daily to make it a part of your regular…