
Demystifying “Hot Spots”

A “Hot Spot” is a medical condition known as acute moist dermatitis; meaning it is a skin infection that comes on suddenly.  The following information will explain why they occur, how to recognize them, and how to treat.

Puppy Housebreaking 101

Puppies downright cute, loveable, playful. You can’t help but smile when you see one. That is until, you step in a tiny piddle puddle or mound of dodo. That’s right, we’re talking about pee and poop! The most dreadful part of owning a puppy is housebreaking. In reality, housebreaking your…

I Think My Pet is in “Heat” – What do I do Now?

Written by Dr. Chantal Rittwage Lost track of time?  Did her first heat come earlier than expected? Rescued a cat and were unsure of how old she was when you took her in?  Considering breeding?  Have a large or giant breed dog and your vet recommended waiting until after her…

Euthanasia – What to expect by Lisa Michalik

Euthanasia – that single one word capable of evoking tears and intense emotion at the mere thought of…. Many pet owners choose to not think about euthanasia because to many their pets are their children. They are members of the family. The bond shared between pet and human can be…